Why Search + Social = Success For Brands

Customers Rely On Search & Social To Find and Choose Products

Why Search + Social = Success for BrandsForresterBrands are waking up to a world in which their customers have access to more information across more channels than ever before. It’s more complex than ever for brands to choose the right channels to drive discovery, exploration, and post-purchase engagement.

Read the joint Catalyst-Forrester whitepaper to uncover the benefits of using Search and Social channels in the various stages of the customer life cycle.

Search & Social Drive Behavior throughout the Customer Life Cycle

To be successful, brands should understand and address customers’ underlying reasons for brand interaction through different channels in the different stages of the customer life cycle. Consumers use Search for discovery, with over 90% of respondents to the Forrester survey using Search in every stage of the customer life cycle. Social tends to drive deeper engagement, with 43% of respondents being influenced by a company’s Social post when shopping. See how brands need to combine Search and Social in order to maximize marketing results.

Download the whitepaper by filling out the form today!

Search + Social = Success for Brands [INFOGRAPHIC]